Monday, June 28, 2010

How to beat the heat in NH

1. Go jump in the lake. Many towns here have lakes with beaches for the residents of the town to enjoy. Keep a spare suit, towel, flip flops, and whatever else will make you comfortable, in a bag in your car. On the way home stop by the lake and jump in! You're only a few minutes from home. You're core body temperature will drop to a more comfortable temperature then you can go home, relaxed, and ready to start your evening.
2. Kiddie pool. If you are already home and don't have a pool a kiddie pool and a hose will do just as well. If you have kids and/or dogs do double duty and hose them off too. You'll feel cooler and accomplished.
3. Do yard work then hose down. Ok, so the manual labor might not sound that appealing but you will get something done, work off some tension, then cool off AND pre-rinse your now sweaty grubby clothing by drenching yourself.
4. Creative Drinks. Don't just go for the ice water. Try something fun and different. Here are a few ideas... We freeze peppermint leaves in our ice cube trays then use the peppermint ice cubes in cold ice tea or other drinks; freeze juice in ice cube trays and put them in a glass of cold juice. You'll avoid too much dilution and still maintain  the yummy juicy drink. Make fruit smoothie for a snack or skip a meal. My son calls these "ice cream." One serving for us is one fruit or 1/2 cup of frozen fruit, 1/4 cup of your favorite yogurt, some honey if you want it sweeter, some ice, and 1/4 cup of milk. OK, so this is probably more like 2 servings. Put it all into a blender, in that order, blend until smooth. For a healthy twist, add protein powder, flax meal, and/or wheat germ (does add texture to the smoothie).
5. Take a cool shower. If all else fails or you just can't do any of the above, take a cool shower and don't be afraid to do it several times a day. When we lived in CT for a summer we had an A/C room and I still took a minimum of 2 showers a day.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1st Kid Regrets

Things I want to do differently with this next kid ...

- Pump during newborn months so I could get more sleep! Have hubby use the Bottle warmer
- Not stress out about whether or not to use the cart/carriage and high chair seat covers
- Travel/Fly to see family while the new baby can't wiggle and run away from me!
- More mommy time!